"Impossible Desires"
Form: Summer Training Camp for women between ages 18-28 years who studies or works in the fields of dance, art, design, culture, social sciences...
Dates: July 5-July 9, 2021
Venue: Traditional low-tech cottage (no internet) in Balatonalmádi (HU), 5 minutes walk from the beach with 2 shared bedrooms (2 bed + 2 mattress / room), shared bathroom, terrace, fruit garden...
Application deadline: Early bird: 1st of June 2021 / Regular price: 15 of June 2021
Number of participants: 8 women
Conditions: Open for women dancers, choreographers, makers, performance artists, visual artists, art-students, all kind of creatives, cultural workers, researchers, writers and activists
Vegetarian food: 3x / day
Dates: July 5-July 9, 2021
Venue: Traditional low-tech cottage (no internet) in Balatonalmádi (HU), 5 minutes walk from the beach with 2 shared bedrooms (2 bed + 2 mattress / room), shared bathroom, terrace, fruit garden...
Application deadline: Early bird: 1st of June 2021 / Regular price: 15 of June 2021
Number of participants: 8 women
Conditions: Open for women dancers, choreographers, makers, performance artists, visual artists, art-students, all kind of creatives, cultural workers, researchers, writers and activists
Vegetarian food: 3x / day
- Option A: "Early bird" (Registration before the 01.06) - 60 000 HUF (170 €) including shared accommodation, vegetarian food and all classes, lectures, workshops, activities
- Option B: "Work exchange": You‘ll get vegetarian food, shared accommodation and access to some classes, new experiences in exchange for 25h of work (cleaning, maintenance, cooking, shopping...).
- Option C: "Regular price" (Registration after the 01.06) - 110 000 HUF (315 €) including shared accommodation, vegetarian food and all classes, lectures, workshops, activities
Composed of unique experiences, rituals, celebrations, community activities together with dance-performance classes (research, creation, mentoring, presentation, feedback), during this summer camps you will focus on desire, vulnerability, love, sexuality, radical intimacy, self-care, self-love, self-confidence.
In the middle of a garden of delights, in contact with lush green leaves, vivid flowers, nourishing fruits, fertile soil, purifying fire, fresh water, and tender wind, the camp's activities will be organized around four fields:
In the middle of a garden of delights, in contact with lush green leaves, vivid flowers, nourishing fruits, fertile soil, purifying fire, fresh water, and tender wind, the camp's activities will be organized around four fields:
- BODY (dance, improvisation, movement research, choreography, workout, sport, stretching, relaxation...)
- MIND (research, creation, mentoring, presentation, feedback...)
- SPIRIT (self-confidence, self-esteem, courage...)
- SOUL (ritual, celebration, purification, blessings, divination, spiritual rejuvenation, community activities...)
During this Camp, you will be trained to:
- develop your own artistic voice and personal aesthetic;
- accentuate your uniqueness;
- better understand yourself as an artist: your interests, your values, your statement. To who you want to make art, why and what for;
- be independent and trust in yourself: disobey to others' gaze, judgements and expectations;
- stop wanting to prove yourself to the others, to be validated, to make or use or say things just because everybody does;
- not to look for what looks good, what’s nice, what will the audience like, how will teachers and professionals react, what will the others think about;
- do only what you personally like and believe in;
- be concerned with what you want to say instead of how;
- try out new things. Instead of avoiding, look specifically for the risky, the unusual, the unknown, the weird, the uncanny;
- not to throw away your "strange" ideas, but try them one by one;
- try in art, with art, for art and through art everything you haven’t had time or haven’t had the courage to do so far;
- be autonomous, be independent, be freely and proudly yourself.
your benefits
Art projects
Artistic techniques & skills
Theoretical knowledge
Self-expression & self-development
- Create a lots of new art projects with diverse forms (choreography, drawing and photography series, videos, performances...)
Artistic techniques & skills
- Experiment with different materials, objects, images and tools;
- Discover trans-disciplinary and experimental working approaches;
- Mix different artistic forms and expressions (performance, dance, acting, puppet theater, creative writing in different forms (poetry, manifest, comics, diary...), drawing, paining, collage, video, photo, installation art, multimedia art,...);
- Experiment with different methodologies and techniques of creation (narrating and composing through structured-improvisation, movement research through storytelling, personal narratives, historical material, archives and divers audiovisual resources....);
- Develop scores for solo and group choreographies
- Make exercises and execute creative tasks in different medium;
- Get introduced to community art, experience design and healing / therapeutic practiced linked to performing arts.
Theoretical knowledge
- Aquire the ability to think and act freely and critically;
- Get introduced to some theoretical concepts (feminism, oppression, domination, exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, cultural imperialism, violence, cultural appropriation...);
- Have a better vision and a deeper understanding of contemporary art and artists through discussions, screenings and readings from texts by writers, theorists, artists.
Self-expression & self-development
- Accentuate your uniqueness;
- Develop originality and out-of-the-box thinking;
- Create your own artistic voice and personal aesthetic;
- Foster your creativity, critical thinking and innovation capabilities;
- Develop interpersonal communication skills, collaboration and co-creation practices.
Through discussions (based on readings, life experience, self-examination) and practical application (movement research, performance, choreography making…) this Training Camp introduces you to the topic of desire and radical intimacy. We will draw on historical, sociological, religious, feminist and philosophical work to shed critical light on a variety of questions, including: What is desire? What kind of desire do we know? Is there a hierarchy of desire which values some desires and denigrates others? Who and what shapes our desire and does desire shape our lives? Are we enslaved by our desire or by the desire of others? What is the relationship between human desire and obsession? Are we aware of our religious and socio-cultural heritage and their influences on our desire? What is moral, what is normal, and who is empowered to decide it? What are the consequences of satisfying desire? Are we trying to change who we are and trying to turn away from our desires? How are our understandings of masculinity and femininity tied in with what we believe about desire?
During the 5 days, following readings and discussions related to the topic, you will make thematic movement research and structured improvisation exercises, create solo and group choreographies, discover new methods and tools to generate both new performances and seeds for the work you are in the midst of creating. So as to stimulate different parts of the brain and the body, you will move back and forth between performance tasks, creative writing and drawing exercises as well. You will also receive one-on-one mentoring (including critical feed-back in the analysis, application of the method and the clarity of details) during the development of your own original artwork.
During the 5 days, following readings and discussions related to the topic, you will make thematic movement research and structured improvisation exercises, create solo and group choreographies, discover new methods and tools to generate both new performances and seeds for the work you are in the midst of creating. So as to stimulate different parts of the brain and the body, you will move back and forth between performance tasks, creative writing and drawing exercises as well. You will also receive one-on-one mentoring (including critical feed-back in the analysis, application of the method and the clarity of details) during the development of your own original artwork.
during the camp, activities will involve
Performance, dance, acting, puppet theater, narrating and composing through structured-improvisation and movement; discussions, screenings and readings from texts by writers, theorists, artists; movement research ; developing scores for solo and group choreographies; creative writing in different form (poetry, manifest, comics, diary...) making exercises and creative tasks in different medium (drawing, paining, collage, video, photo, installation art, multimedia art...), searching through storytelling, personal narratives, historical material, archives and divers audiovisual resources.
Participants, if they want, can present their works in the frame of outdoor showings (performances, public space intervention...).
DAY 1 |
DAY 2 |
DAY 3 |
DAY 4 |
DAY 5 |
08:00 |
Jogging + Stretching |
Jogging + Yoga |
Jogging + Fitness |
Jogging + Dance |
08:30-09:00 |
Breakfast |
Breakfast |
Breakfast |
Breakfast |
09:30-10:00 |
Arrival |
Preparation room |
Preparation room |
Preparation room |
Preparation room |
10:00-13:00 |
Arrival |
"Desire-Disgust" Studio (discussion, creation) |
"Love-Hate" Studio (research, creation) |
"Jealousy-Forgiveness" Studio (research, creation) |
"Take-Allow" Sharing, Feeback |
13:00-14:30 |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
14:30-18:30 |
"Honesty-Sincerity" Studio (discussion, research, creation) |
"Obsession-Addiction" Garden / Nature (creation, sharing) |
"Give-Receive" Public Space (creation, sharing) |
"Radical intimacy" Beach / Lakeside (creation, sharing) |
Departure |
18:30-20:00 |
Rest room |
Rest room |
Rest room |
Rest room |
20:00-21:00 |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
21:30 |
Relaxation |
Care |
Ritual |
Celebration |
unlearning facilitators
Our Summer Training Camps are led by unlearning facilitators: artists, researchers, theoreticians, cultural workers. The "Impossible Desires" camp is held by Anna Ádám, performance maker and visual artist.