"Impossible desires"
Keywords: desire, love, sexuality, body politics, confessions, personal mythologies
Through discussions (based on readings, life experience, self-examination) and practical application (movement research, performance, choreography making…) this module introduces you to the topic of desire, love, sexuality and radical intimacy. We will draw on historical, sociological, religious, feminist and philosophical work to shed critical light on a variety of questions, including: What is desire? What kind of desire do we know? Is there a hierarchy of desire which values some desires and denigrates others? Who and what shapes our desire and does desire shape our lives? Are we enslaved by our desire or by the desire of others? What is the relationship between human desire and obsession? Are we aware of our religious and socio-cultural heritage and their influences on our desire? What is moral, what is normal, and who is empowered to decide it? What are the consequences of satisfying desire? Are we trying to change who we are and trying to turn away from our desires? How are our understandings of masculinity and femininity tied in with what we believe about desire?
during the classes, activities will involve
Performance, dance, acting, puppet theater, narrating and composing through structured-improvisation and movement; discussions, screenings and readings from texts by writers, theorists, artists; movement research ; developing scores for solo and group choreographies; creative writing in different form (poetry, manifest, comics, diary...) making exercises and creative tasks in different medium (drawing, paining, collage, video, photo, installation art, multimedia art...), searching through storytelling, personal narratives, historical material, archives and divers audiovisual resources.
final public showing
Following the last class, participants will present their works in the frame of a series of outdoor totally free of charge public space showings (performances, exhibitions, ceremonies, rituals...).